Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q: How much do I pay to use Waittrak?

    A. Waittrack is absolutely free for diners. Just download the app on your smart phone, that's it!

  • Q: Are restaurants in close to my home/ office using Waittrak?

    A: Well, as a newly launched app, we plan to add restaurants, hot spots and clubs from all across Mumbai are already using Waitrak. Many more are being added every day to our list. However your favorite restaurant is not in our list currently, let us know and we will soon try to add it. Alternatively, you can also ask your favorite hot spot to join Waittrack.

  • Q: I don't see my favorite restaurant on Waittrak. Can I add it?

    A: You can request your favorite restaurant to get on Waittrak. It is a special service that restaurants opt to give to their guests. You can also help increase our network by sharing your views and suggestions about Waitrak on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Yelp

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