Even before you embark on the ‘How’ of getting your business reviewed, it is important to know the ‘Why’. Why is it important that people review your business online and leave remarks for others to see?
Among the many reasons that reviewing is important, one of the most important reasons is that it provides real validation for the good work that you do. People find it more believable that you do give the best service or products, when they are able to see reviews of existing customers that are satisfied and happy with your business.
Another major reason why reviews are important is because they serve as motivation for people to make a purchase with your business. Positive reviews help drive the business and make more people invest in your business. These are two important reasons why every business should be in pursuit of as many reviews as they can get through various means.
Now that we know about the importance of reviews, the ‘Why’ is sorted, which leads us to understanding the ‘How’ of the process. Here is a set of ways how you can get reviews for your business online:
Take the initiative:
As part of the billing process, if you add a process where the personal contact details of a purchaser are collected, you can initiate a conversation, asking them to review your business online. This is best done with a link to the review page of your website or a search engine or a market place that you have your product on.
Chances are high that if the customer has had a positive buyer’s experience with your business, they will respond to your link and leave a review. This is something that can also be ensured by giving out a verbal reminder for leaving a review or a feedback, if you run a physical store.
Physical Reminders:
Things like marketing materials at a store, little reminder slips with online deliveries or a short note on product tags can all work as physical reminders of leaving a review. This works best if you also provide a QR code to the customers which they can scan and directly reach a review page.
While this is a method that may work for you, it is important that you make the process of reaching the review page as simple for the customers as you can. When customers have to actually type out a link and go to write a review, they may completely abandon the task altogether, which is why a scan code is essential.
Use Your Website:
Just like you would have material for display at a brick and mortar store, you can also have a message displayed on your website to remind people about leaving a review. A great way to motivate more people to add a review for your business through your website is to display the most positive ones on a section of your website.
The display of reviews on the website serves not only as a motivation for others to put in their feedback but may also work as a nudge for making a purchase for those that are still contemplating it.
Get Help from Social Media Platforms:
Create interactive content on social media to encourage people to leave reviews for your business on reviewing sites. Creating posts that require people to comment along with links to the review pages can help get more people to add a review for your business.
Your Response Matters:
No matter what kind of a review you receive from a customer, it is important to respond in a humble and viable way. When people are surfing through reviews to take a decision on whether they should invest with your business, they check out not only the reviews but also how the business responds to those reviews.
When you are prompt and pleasing in your responses, you get to appease old clients and make sure that you build new clientele as well.
Most importantly, make sure to offer viable service to the customers that you deal with. Someone that is happy with their service will make it a point to put in a good word for you. While nothing beats good service in achieving good feedback, you can also choose to get help from experts in the field of review management, that can help you in getting a detailed analysis of what your reviews say and how they may be evaluated for the betterment of your business.
It is interesting to note that the reviews that your clients leave for your business online, not only help your business get a good image but also help your website get better recognition. It is known that reviews help in the sprucing up of your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which means that you get to enjoy a good business image while getting more people to come to your website, all because of the reviews that you have online.
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